UW Research

Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit


The Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (WACFWRU) is one of 40 comparable units within the United States established to facilitate cooperation between the Federal Government, colleges and universities, the states, and private organizations in improving the management of the nation’s fish and wildlife resources. Units accomplish this by conducting natural resource management research, educating persons to intelligently manage natural resources, and providing research findings to individuals or agencies that put this information to practical use.Ìý

Core Services Offered

Funding Information

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Washington Department of Natural Resources, Washington Department of Ecology, US Geological Survey

Reporting Structure

U.S. Geological Survey, Cooperative Research Units

Related UW Entities

Our organization is able to work with all departments on campus on projects from our Cooperators that fall within the mission of our cooperative agreement.

External Partners

US Geological Survey, US Fish & Wildlife Service, Washington Dept of Fish & Wildlife, Washington Department of Natural Resources, Washington Department of Ecology, Wildlife Management Institute, Washington State University