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Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for

CHGTAI 401 Chagatai I (5) A&H
Expansion of reading skills learned in intermediate Turkic languages and introduction of the basic Chagatai Arabic orthographic conventions and linguistic characteristics of textual sources. Develops skills necessary for fluent manuscript reading and comprehending Chagatai primary texts written in Islamic Central Asia from the fifteenth to the early twentieth centuries. Prerequisite: either TKIC 405, TKIC 423, TKIC 429, KAZAKH 205, UYGUR 203, or UZBEK 203.

CHGTAI 402 Chagatai II (5) A&H
Expansion of reading skills learned in intermediate Turkic languages and introduction of the basic Chagatai Arabic orthographic conventions and linguistic characteristics of textual sources. Develops skills necessary for fluent manuscript reading and comprehending Chagatai primary texts written in Islamic Central Asia from the fifteenth to the early twentieth centuries. Prerequisite: CHGTAI 401.

CHGTAI 490 Supervised Study (1-6, max. 18)
Special work in literary texts for graduates and undergraduates. Prerequisite: CHGTAI 402.

CHGTAI 496 Special Studies in Chagatai (3-5, max. 15) A&H
Topics Vary.

CHGTAI 499 Undergraduate Research (3-5, max. 15)
For Turkic language and literature majors.

CHGTAI 541 Chagatai I (5)
Expansion of reading skills learned in intermediate Turkic languages and introduction of the basic Chagatai Arabic orthographic conventions and linguistic characteristics of textual sources. Develops skills necessary for fluent manuscript reading and comprehending Chagatai primary texts written in Islamic Central Asia from the fifteenth to the early twentieth centuries. Prerequisite: either two years of study of any Turkic language or permission of instructor.

CHGTAI 542 Chagatai II (5)
Expansion of reading skills learned in intermediate Turkic languages and introduction of the basic Chagatai Arabic orthographic conventions and linguistic characteristics of textual sources. Develops skills necessary for fluent manuscript reading and comprehending Chagatai primary texts written in Islamic Central Asia from the fifteenth to the early twentieth centuries. Prerequisite: CHGTAI 541.

CHGTAI 596 Special Studies in Chagatai (3-5, max. 15)
Topics vary.

CHGTAI 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)