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JSIS E 101 Elementary Khmer (5)
Designed to provide necessary communication skills in standard spoken and written Khmer. Covers a variety of topics including introductions and pleasantries, elementary vocabulary, classroom activities, the family, and Khmer lifestyles. First in a sequence of three.

JSIS E 102 Elementary Khmer (5)
Designed to provide necessary communication skills in standard spoken and written Khmer. Covers a variety of topics including introductions and pleasantries, elementary vocabulary, classroom activities, the family, and Khmer lifestyles. Second in a sequence of three. Prerequisite: JSIS E 101.

JSIS E 103 Elementary Khmer (5)
Designed to provide necessary communication skills in standard spoken and written Khmer. Covers a variety of topics including introductions and pleasantries, elementary vocabulary, classroom activities, the family, and Khmer lifestyles. Third in a sequence of three. Prerequisite: JSIS E 102.

JSIS E 111 Elementary Modern Greek (5)
Fundamentals of oral and written modern Greek. Offered: A.

JSIS E 112 Elementary Modern Greek (5)
Fundamentals of oral and written modern Greek. Prerequisite: JSIS E 111. Offered: W.

JSIS E 113 Elementary Modern Greek (5)
Fundamentals of oral and written modern Greek. Prerequisite: JSIS E 112. Offered: Sp.

JSIS E 121 Elementary Burmese (5)
Introduces speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in colloquial Burmese, building a foundation in basic grammar and developing communicative skills. Offered: A.

JSIS E 122 Elementary Burmese (5)
Introduces speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in colloquial Burmese, building a foundation in basic grammar and developing communicative skills. Prerequisite: JSIS E 121 Offered: W.

JSIS E 123 Elementary Burmese (5)
Introduces speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in colloquial Burmese, building a foundation in basic grammar and developing communicative skills. Prerequisite: JSIS E 122 Offered: Sp.

JSIS E 134 Intensive Elementary Modern Greek (15)
Develops a basic level of proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing skills in Greek as it is used today. Students learn how to understand spoken and written Greek at an elementary level and engage in simple conversations.

JSIS E 201 Intermediate Khmer (5)
Designed to bring students beyond elementary level Khmer to an intermediate level of speaking, listening, reading, and writing proficiency on a variety of topics, including religion, traditional village culture, and news and public information. Helps students adapt to a particular way of behaving and speaking appropriate to the Khmer language. First in a sequence of three. Prerequisite: JSIS E 103.

JSIS E 202 Intermediate Khmer (5)
Intensive practice in speaking, reading, and writing. Second in a sequence of three. Prerequisite: JSIS E 201.

JSIS E 203 Intermediate Khmer (5)
Intensive practice in speaking, reading, and writing. Third in a sequence of three. Prerequisite: JSIS E 202.

JSIS E 211 Second-Year Modern Greek (5) A&H
Continuation of JSIS E 111, 112, 113. Intensive practice in speaking, reading, and writing. Prerequisite: JSIS E 113. Offered: A.

JSIS E 212 Second-Year Modern Greek (5) A&H
Continuation of JSIS E 111, 112, 113. Intensive practice in speaking, reading, and writing. Offered: W.

JSIS E 213 Second-Year Modern Greek (5) A&H
Continuation of JSIS E 111, 112, 113. Intensive practice in speaking, reading, and writing. Offered: Sp.

JSIS E 221 Intermediate Burmese (5) A&H
Expands students' ability in speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in colloquial Burmese, based on the foundation in Elementary Burmese. Prerequisite: JSIS E 123 Offered: A.

JSIS E 222 Intermediate Burmese (5) A&H
Expands students' ability in speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in colloquial Burmese, based on the foundation in Elementary Burmese. Prerequisite: JSIS E 221 Offered: W.

JSIS E 223 Intermediate Burmese (5) A&H
Expands students' ability in speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in colloquial Burmese, based on the foundation in Elementary Burmese. Prerequisite: JSIS E 222 Offered: Sp.

JSIS E 301 Advanced Khmer (5) A&H
Designed to bring students beyond the intermediate level of speaking, listening, reading, and writing proficiency. Leads students to communicate in a relatively sophisticated fashion with educated native speakers on a variety of topics, including Khmer culture and Khmer literature. First in a sequence of three. Prerequisite: JSIS E 203.

JSIS E 302 Advanced Khmer (5) A&H
Designed to bring students beyond the intermediate level of speaking, listening, reading, and writing proficiency. Leads students to communicate in a relatively sophisticated fashion with educated native speakers on a variety of topics, including Khmer culture and Khmer literature.Second in a sequence of three. Prerequisite: JSIS E 301.

JSIS E 303 Advanced Khmer (5) A&H
Designed to bring students beyond the intermediate level of speaking, listening, reading, and writing proficiency. Leads students to communicate in a relatively sophisticated fashion with educated native speakers on a variety of topics, including Khmer culture and Khmer literature. Third in a sequence of three. Prerequisite: JSIS E 302.

JSIS E 321 Advanced Burmese (5) A&H
Advanced reading, writing and discussion of various topics beyond everyday situations. The students will also be further developing their grammar as well as introduced to literary Burmese. Prerequisite: JSIS E 223 Offered: A.

JSIS E 322 Advanced Burmese (5) A&H
Advanced reading, writing and discussion of various topics beyond everyday situations. The students will also be further developing their grammar as well as introduced to literary Burmese. Prerequisite: JSIS E 321 Offered: W.

JSIS E 323 Advanced Burmese (5) A&H
Advanced reading, writing and discussion of various topics beyond everyday situations. The students will also be further developing their grammar as well as introduced to literary Burmese. Prerequisite: JSIS E 322 Offered: Sp.

JSIS E 428 Perspectives on East Asia for Teachers (3, max. 6) SSc
Substantive concepts, resources, and materials employed in teaching about East Asia. Requirements may vary in relation to the background of participants.

JSIS E 429 East Asia for Educators (6, max. 18) SSc
Provides pre-service and in-service elementary, middle, and high school educators with a grounding in China, Japan, or Korea studies and in curricular strategies for bringing the study of the country of focus into the educator's classroom. Offered: S.

JSIS E 478 Readings in the Social Sciences in Japanese (3-5) SSc
Introduction to articles and short works in economics, history, political science, and other social sciences. Assignments chosen from major Japanese monthlies and academic works. All readings in Japanese. Prerequisite: JAPAN 313.

JSIS E 547 Readings on Japan in the Social Sciences (5)
Seminar discussing articles in Japanese in economics, history, political science, and other social sciences. Assignments from major Japanese monthlies and academic works. Prerequisite: JAPAN 313 or equivalent and permission of instructor.